Principal’s Message

Dear Parents/Carers, staff and students,

Welcome back to another amazing and busy term. We have already had many events and there are plenty more to come.

ANZAC Day is commemorated on April the 25th to mark the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

Before the Gallipoli War, the Turks and Anzacs had never been in contact with each other, not in political nor economic matters. For the first time, they faced each other at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915. At the end of 1915, the allied forces were evacuated after both sides had suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardship. Today, Turks, Australians and New Zealanders stand together and have a strong and friendly relationship.

On ANZAC Day, ceremonies are held in towns and cities across the nation to commemorate the service and sacrifice of all Australian servicemen and women from every conflict, past and present. I would like to thank Mrs Gordana Janev for organising an excursion and participating in the Melbourne Annual ANZAC Commemoration alongside Mrs Ozlem Arslan and selected CADET and SRC students.

Ramadan Appeal: Our school participated in the Ramadan Appeal organised by the Australian Relief Organisation (ARO). All proceeds from this appeal were distributed to the poor and needy in various countries through this organisation. It is a registered charity and public benevolent institution established with the intention of serving humanity. Thank you to all students, parents and staff for their generous contributions.

Iftar Dinners were organised by the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing committee for students and parents in conjunction with the Community Engagement department. I would like to thank all the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing teachers and the Community Engagement department for their efforts. Special thanks to Mrs Turkan, Mrs Seyma, Mrs Ruveyda and all Year 12 students who organised the Mothers Celebration Iftar dinner to raise money for helping refugee families in Europe. I truly believe that organising such a fundraising event is very important in order to help our students further understand the importance of caring, showing compassion and giving to the poor and in need. Also, an Iftar dinner was organised by the school administration for all EMC staff. These are good opportunities to bring staff, families and students together.

Coming to School on Time: I would like to kindly remind parents that students need to be at school on time every school day. It is required by law to keep all records of student absences. Hence, late arrivals in the morning are considered to be a partial absence. I have noted that we have a number of students who are regular late-comers. Our school starts at 8:50am and concludes at 3.29pm. I strongly encourage all parents and carers to bring their children to school on time. If children are consistently late in the morning, they will miss vital information and tend to be unsettled in class.

Flu Season: It is currently the cold and flu season of the year, where viruses are spreading. It is important that students are kept at home when they are sick, otherwise they will spread their illness to others around them at school and making the recovery process much more difficult. It is a serious concern and we strongly recommend you to take your child to a doctor, especially if they have a fever, runny nose, diarrhoea, vomiting, muscular pain and/or cough. Students with these symptoms should not be sent to school until they have recovered. Please understand that such measures are necessary to ensure the wellbeing of all students. Students need to be encouraged to continue to take appropriate precautions: cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and washing hands regularly with soap and water. Hand sanitizers are available in and out of the classroom to be used throughout the day.

At Sirius College, we are always trying our hardest to create opportunities to help our students’ development and progress. I would like to acknowledge the extra effort all our staff (teaching and general staff) exert to achieve this goal. I wish you all a fruitful and successful school term.

Mr Ilhan Eroglu
Eastmeadows Campus